Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Sparks Begin to Light the Fire: Fort Sumter

April 15, 1861

Barely after President Lincoln has taken office, the Southern rebels launched an assault on Fort Sumter. The union men, though under supplied and malnourished, held out long enough to keep the Confederate rebels at bay. They are going to tear the nation apart.

How can they bear to destroy the beautiful ideals that our ancestors laid down for our country by attacking their brothers and sisters? As I see it, the Union fights for all of America, but the rebels fight for themselves.

My child, just born should not be subject to these horrible times, and yet i can only stand by and continue to act. The upcoming performance with Mr. Donough should prove to be a trial. I doubt the lout will want me to keep silent on my opinions...yet I act for the public, not him. It is my audience who supports me in all my endeavors.

Life of Pauline Cushman the Celebrated Union Spy and Scout


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Well said Madam Cushman. The South has proven to be mistaken in their choices. They have decided to leave the Union and now attack their brethren of the North. Nothing but war can be seen at this point. Only war can seal the wound which has been dealt to the unity of this nation. Much blood shall be shed I fear. As the nation is now, it is not fit for the child of which you have recently given birth. I wish you the best in your performances and the best for you child.

  3. Cushman,

    Though these times may be stressing, as long as I am President this nation will not be torn apart. As I have said in the beginning, conflict will only arise if the South took action first. Seeing as they did from the results of Fort Sumter, I will hereby protect this nation as commander and chief and raise troops.

  4. Tearing your great nation apart is not the aims of the southerners Mrs. Cushman. I hope you can see our intentions were never to open war. We are simply trying to protect our very own ideals just as you would do the same. The Battle of Fort Sumter was the consequence of the North trying to keep a foothold in the South. While the Southern government asked for a peaceful surrender of the Fort, an agreement could not be reached. The Confederate Army was left with no options as supplies and possibly reinforcements were sent by Lincoln to the southern base. I don't believe war was what anyone wanted but it had become an inevitable necessity.

  5. Ms. Cushman, even though I am in agreement with your words, have faith in President Lincoln. Exactly one week after Sumter, I attended the soldiers that arrived. The amount of wreckage that was seen was unbelievable. The nation will be guided by strong hands as long as Lincoln is the guider.
