Thursday, January 22, 2009

Bull Run Assault

July 24, 1861

So war has now truly begun.
Not long after we celebrate the birth of our nation, the Union army has launched an assault on the Confederates at Manassas, Virginia. The war creeps closer to New York.

During last weeks performance of 'Uncle Sam's Magic Lantern' Mr. Donough tried to keep me quiet when I spoke in favor of the Union, but I refused. I believe that my theater career is starting to depend upon my ability to keep quiet about my ideals and my support of the Union.

What can I do? How can I support my country?


Life of Pauline Cushman the Celebrated Union Spy and Scout
War of the Rebellion: The Official Records of the Union and the Confederate Armies


  1. You should inform Mr. Donough that if he is not in support of the Union then he is against the Union. There can be no gray areas in an issue such as this. You have shown yourself to be a true patriot to this country and should not be faulted for this. The Constitution gives every citizen the right to free speech. If you support the Union, then you have the right to voice your opinion.

  2. Cushman,

    Be strong, do not let anyone stop you from speaking out. You and I share the love for theaters; Oh how I love watching plays!
    But now is not the time for entertainment. Our country is at war. The Union lost this battle and I have to make sure I can gather more troops and get them trained for a more disciplined army. Pauline... I feel that someday you will will be of good use to the Union so be strong, your country needs you, be strong.

    ~Father Abe

  3. Regardless of the effect it may have on our personal lives, we should not stay silent. Staying silent simply allows these injustices to continue.“Truth is powerful and it prevails.”
